1. 信息动态栏目,展示与中国—中东欧国家合作有关的新闻动态以及最新发布的相关政策,如海关总署公告;
2. 法律法规栏目,展示中国和中东欧国家经贸及海关相关的国际条约、中国法律、中东欧国家法律;
3. 清关指南栏目,展示运输工具、卫生检疫等13个大类海关业务事项的办事指南;
4. SPS信息栏目,介绍SPS相关知识,展示法规标准、疫情信息、SPS通报、准入情况等信息;
5. 监测预警栏目,展示中国与中东欧国家贸易情况出现的新变化、新发展,发布、监测、分析中国与中东欧国家的贸易情况;
6. 技贸资讯栏目,展示关于中国—中东欧国家进出口商品的预警信息、技术法规、标准、不合格通报等内容;
7. 专题栏目,展示中国—中东欧国家领导人峰会、中东欧国家概况、中国—中东欧国家博览会等内容;
8. 中国—中东欧国家海关检验检疫合作对话会栏目,展示本届及历届对话会会议情况、会议成果等相关信息;
9. 互动交流栏目,用户可以提交在货物通关和农食产品准入等方面遇到的问题,可以对网站栏目、内容提出建议,也可以针对网站进行纠错。
1. 文章搜索功能,用户可直接输入文字进行标题和内容的模糊搜索,方便快捷地获取所需要的信息;
2. 数据动态可视化功能,运用数字地球技术,直观展示中国与中东欧国家进出口贸易情况及发展趋势。
Introduction of China-CEEC Customs Information Center Website
Under the entrustment of GACC, the Website of China-CEEC Customs Information Center ( was put into operation on April 27.
The Website will serve as three important platforms:
Communication platform. It aims to promote the communication of customs inspection and quarantine laws, regulations and policies between China and CEE countries;
Consultation platform. It will promptly respond to and solve the obstacles and difficulties in customs clearance of goods as well as market entry of agri-food products raised by either government or enterprises of each country;
Monitoring platform. It will timely release the trade trends of China-CEE countries and their monitoring and early warning information.
The website has 9 columns:
1. News. This column releases news and trends related to China-CEEC cooperation, as well as the latest released policies, such as announcements issued by GACC;
2. Legislation. In this column, users can search international treaties related to trade and customs between China and CEE countries, as well as laws and regulations of China and CEE countries;
3. Customs Clearance. This column provides the guide of customs services, including means of transport and health quarantine for example, totaling 13 major categories;
4. SPS. This column introduces the knowledge of SPS, regulations and standards, epidemic information, SPS notification, market access, etc.;
5. Monitoring. This column reveals the updates, developments and analysis of China-CEEC trade;
6. TBT (Technical Barriers for Trade). This column displays the early warning information, technical regulations, standards, non-conformity and notifications on import and export goods between China and CEE countries;
7. Special Columns. This column is designed to exhibit contents regarding the China-CEEC Summit, the overview of CEE countries, and China-CEEC Expo, etc.;
8. China-CEEC Customs Inspection and Quarantine Cooperation Dialogue. This column presents information of the current and previous Dialogues;
9. Exchanges and Communication. In this column, users can submit difficulties in customs clearance, market access of agri-food products, as well as put forward suggestions on the website building.
The Website has two embedded functions:
1. Information search. Users can directly input key words for fuzzy search of title and content to quickly obtain the needed information;
2. Data visualization. Digital globe technology is applied to visually display the data and trends of China-CEEC trade.