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Yiwu Launches China-Europe Freight Train Service to Constanta, Romania

Issue Date:2024-06-24 Source:China News



Chinanews.com, Yiwu, June 20 (Dong Yixin and Lou Linjun) On June 20, the X8026 China-Europe freight train departs from Yiwu West Railway Station in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, and heads for Port Constanta, Romania. So far, the number of the international operation routes of the China-Europe Railway Express (Yiwu Platform) has increased to 20.



The X8026 China-Europe freight train departs from Yiwu West Railway Station in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province. Photo by Li Lujie



It is reported that the X8026 China-Europe freight train will leave China via Horgos Port in Xinjiang, pass through Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and other countries (regions), cross the Caspian Sea region, and the Black Sea region, and finally arrive at Istanbul Port in Türkiye and Constanta Port in Romania.

This route can connect the surrounding countries (regions) of the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea along its way, and reach many European countries (regions) at its back end. It will further expand both the new mode of international rail-sea multimodal transport from Zhejiang, China to Europe, and the radiation scope of the China-Europe Railway Express (Yiwu) in Eurasia. By realizing the double improvement of the anti-risk ability and development resilience of the overseas channels of the express, this route is expected to ensure the long-term stability of the international railway freight supply chain and industry chain.


 Disclaimer:The above content is translated from Chinese version of China News. The China News version shall prevail.